Help Center

Available Type of Call To Action

There is a lot of Call-To-Action for variety of need.

And each provided Call-To-Action can be customized to suit your need and model.

The layout, text and color can be adjusted and customized to fit in with the targeted webpage.

Various of Call To Action:

  • CTA Message : Call to Action with a discount code or nudge to drive traffic to your website on other's content. Eg, check this.
  • CTA Contact : Create a contact form where users will be able to contact you via email.
  • CTA Newsletter : Create a small popup form to collect emails from users.
  • CTA Poll : Create a quick poll where users will be able to answer it upon visit.
  • CTA Coupon : Create a small popup with a coupon code that users can use.
  • CTA Image : Create a small popup with an image of your choice.
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